Leadership Development for Women

Women’s Leadership Roundtables

Programs for Emerging Women Leaders

Why develop women Leaders?

There are compelling reasons to invest now in developing women leaders. Globally, the number of women in senior management has been stalled at 24% for nearly a decade. When Harvard Business School surveyed 25,000 graduates, they found that although men and women had similar ambitions, the men were far more likely to have direct reports, profit-and-loss responsibility, and senior-level jobs. And most importantly, when women are represented at senior levels, companies profit. On average, a company with just 30% female executives can expect a 15% boost in profitability.

How we can help?

All our work starts with your organization’s strategies, goals, and needs; the results you want to accomplish in this arena of your talent management work. We can help you determine the best approaches then customize solutions that are targeted to your needs. Our high-impact programs and learning events are rooted in best practices for leadership development and adult learning.

Women's leadership roundtables

We have expertise in bringing deep organizational knowledge and broad client experience to the Roundtable process.

Programs for Emerging Women Leaders

We can help you select talent who show promise for leadership roles.